Sunday, 19 August 2012

Bits of Pepper Spray Facts

Pepper spray is non-toxic, non-inflammable, legal self-defense equipment. The active ingredient of which is the same pepper content that we get from hot cayenne peppers used for cooking. Capsaicin, the active ingredient, is oil extracted from the tissue of the cayenne pepper, which is located just below the stem. What are the effects of pepper spray contents? The immediate effects of pepper spray are as follows: * Temporary blindness * Tearing and burning sensation in the eyes. * Shortness of breath * Choking and coughing * Feeling of light-headedness * Confusion and disorientation Is it Fatal? Pepper spray was not designed to be fatal and there are no questionable contents that are to be found in pepper spray that may show evidences of becoming fatal. However, there are cases of deaths recorded that are associated with pepper sprays. This is primarily due to the allergic reaction, termed as anaphylaxis. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include fainting, shock and swelling. Asthmatics must also keep watch since they are likely to become infected with contact to serious dose of pepper sprays.
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